Christian Education

Biography of Reverend Debbi Dillard
Reverend Dillard has loved the Lord from an early age. She has been called to be a preacher and teacher of the God’s Word. Realizing in order to be effective in helping God’s people to mature spiritually, she had to increase in her knowledge and understanding of the Word of God. Her journey led her to Beulah Heights University in Atlanta, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies, in addition to a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Leadership. She also has a Minor Degree in Counseling. The Lord later moved her to return to Beulah and she received a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies. She is committed to being a lifetime learner. She has worked in Ministry over thirty years. Her assignment for the last seventeen years has been Christian Education. Her vision in ministry is to bring the saints to a level of maturity that will be pleasing to the Father. Workshops, seminars, and Bible study are some of the venues used to bring her vision to fruition. God has truly blessed her life in every area. She lives her life, Remembering the past, basking in the present (Son) and looking forward to the future. She is a born-again child of the King, who is excited about sharing the inheritance. Through life’s trials and tribulations, she has learned to put her trust and hope in the Lord.
To train God’s people to live the unadulterated “WORD”.
Vision Statement
The aim of Christian Education is to bring the saints to a level of maturity that is pleasing to God. Emphasis is put on the importance of living the Word, as well as speaking the Word.
Spiritual growth and maturity is achieved through weekly Bible study, Sunday school, the Youth and Teen Church, as well as specialty classes and workshops. Also, Christian Education provides current leadership training.
Why Study God’s Word?
One very important issue the Body of Christ must come to grips with, is the relevance of understanding God’s Word. When we receive His Son as our Savior, we have a purpose in life that we did not have before. That purpose is to glorify the Father. the Son and the Holy Spirit. Like anything else in life, we cannot be efficient in His purpose unless we have the proper knowledge to perform it in excellence. We study His Word to get proper instruction on who He has called us to be. We get instruction on how to be Christlike.
Our purpose is to show a dying world, a living Savior. We must first start with our family. “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it” – Proverbs 22:6. Other reasons we should study God’s Word are:
- It is infallible (no errors) – Proverbs 30:5-6.
- It is complete – Revelation 22:18-19.
- It is totally authoritative (it is settled in heaven) – Psalms 119:89.
- It is sufficient for all our needs – 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
- It will accomplish what it promises – Isaiah 55:11
Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive His approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth – 2 Timothy 2:15.
Opportunities to Study God’s Word
Youth and Teen Church: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
- 4-17 yrs. old
Superintendent of Sunday School
Rev. Gina Williams
Sunday School: 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
- Adults
- 4-17 yrs. old.
Tuesday Night Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
- Adults
- God’s Anointed People (G. A. P.)-Young Adults 18 – 35 yrs. old 7:00 p.m.
- Youth classes 4 – 17 yrs. old
Wednesday Noon Bible Study
- Adults
In-Active at this time
Minister-in-Training and Leadership (MIT)
Monday after the first and third Sunday @ 7:00 p.m.
If you have been called into the office of a teacher, please contact Min. Dillard – 678-479-8190 ext. 104 or press 3 at the prompt.
Faith Is Not Believing That “GOD” Can Do It. It Is Believing That HE Will Do It For “You”!
Reverend Dillard 404-403-4483