NMBC ministries
Ministries of Fellowship

- CAYA: President: Victoria Arnold. The mission is to provide bible-based studies, discussions, presentations and fellowships along with assisting in the coordination of opportunities for its members to identify and utilize their God-given talents in the support of New Macedonia Baptist Church, family and the surrounding community.
- Deaconess: President: Shelia Watson. The mission is to meet the needs of the New Macedonia Baptist Church, under the spiritual guidance of the Pastor and the Deacons by promoting the spiritual growth in the Church.
- Marriage Ministry: President: Randy Divens and Nannette Divens. Ministers to the need of married couples and their families through biblical based principles, practical strategies and suggestions.
- Mothers Ministry – President: Jill-Walker Taylor. Mature Christian women who teach women how to support the Church, the Pastor, and their families.
- Sister Circle – President: Rita McClendon. A fellowship designed to build up the body of Christ by meeting the spiritual, physical and psychological needs of women.
- United Brotherhood – Chairman: Deacon Lester Copeland. A fellowship designed to build up the body of Christ by meeting the spiritual, physical and psychological needs of men through teaching the word of God, by nurturing, fellowshipping, love and service.
Ministries of Service – Serving God with our gifts and talents.

- Audio/Visual Ministry – President: Ken Robinson. Responsible for the care of the monitors, cameras, microphones, and the sound mixers; and the recording of the message for broadcast sites.
- Bereavement Ministry – President: Rev. Gina Coleman-Williams, Email: (williamsgc@bellsouth.net). The purpose is to provide assistance to “members” who have loss a loved one. The ministry is here to assist you through the process. We provide follow-up care as you walk the journey of Grief.
- Courtesy Guild – President: Kisha Wesley. This ministry meets and greets visitors and members at all services and also read announcements during the service.
- IT Ministry – President Deacon Hugh Marshall, Email: itteam@newmacedonia.org. This ministry is responsible for the delivery of the Word of God through audio visual, pcs, smartphones, tablets and other peripherals via social media and website service and development.
- Missionary Ministry – President: Demetria Heard. Carries out “The Great Commission” by reaching out to those who are distress through love, service, helps, and supplying needs.
- New Members – President: Karen Stevenson. Responsible for the facilitation of New Members classes through love and teaching the Word of God.
- Nurses Guild – President: Dr. Mary A. Parris. Purpose to assist the Pastor, Pastoral Staff, members and visitors with sickness during the 10:00 am worship service.
- Pastor Support Ministry – President: Desirene Gipson. Purpose is to serve the Pastor, 1st Lady and the 1st family with prayers, finance, encouraging words, and swift action.
- Usher Ministry – President: Shelia Watson. Purpose to receive visitors and members into the sanctuary and to direct them to appropriate seating.
- Veterans Ministry – President: Arthur Hughes. Purpose is sharing available information on military entitlement services for veterans. Honoring, remembering and giving thanks to our NMBC and guest veterans on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day.
Ministry of Music – Worshipping and praising God through song and music. If you want to spread the Gospel through music, consider joining the Ministry of Music. To learn more just click the choir of interest. To join a choir, please contact the president.
- Angelic Sounds of Praise – (ASOP) Ages 4 -12 year olds. President- Mildred Perry Email: asop@newmacedonia.org
- GT Anderson Ensemble – President: Sarah Williams
- Male Chorus – President: Cecil Cofield
- Sounds of Today – Advisor: Charlotte Shoemaker
- United Voices – President: Angela Gates
- Adult Praise Team – Praise Leader: Charlotte North
- Young Adults Praise Team – Praise Leader: Demetra Watson Ages: 20 and up.
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